The Greek word doula means woman caregiver. Now the word is used to describe a trained and experienced companion who provides the woman and her partner continuous emotional support, physical comfort and assistance in obtaining evidence based information before, during and after childbirth and in the 4th trimester (postpartum).
As a doula I
Recognise birth and postpartum as a key life experience that a mum will remember for the rest of her life.​
Understand the physiology of birth and the emotional needs of a woman in labour and in the fourth trimester.
Assist mum and her partner in preparing for birth and life with a newborn baby.
Stay by mum's side throughout the entire labour.
Provide emotional support, physical comfort measures and evidence based information to help mum make the right decisions for her and baby.
Facilitate communication between mum, her partner and her clinical caregivers.
Debrief birth and care for mum at home.
Provide emotional and practical support in those first few overwhelming months of being a parent.
To learn more about doulas and the organisations I've trained with, see here & here
The acceptance of doulas in maternity care is growing rapidly with the recognition of their important contribution to the improved physical outcomes and emotional well-being of mums and infants.

"Giving birth should be your greatest achievement, not your greatest fear"
-Jane Weideman
Call 0877738345 for a free consultation.
Alternatively email shelley@nurturebirth.ie or fill out the form below